Author: admin

眼兒媚·藏頭(天意憐幽草 人間重晚晴—李商隱詩句)

眼兒媚·藏頭(天意憐幽草,人間重晚晴—李商隱詩句) — 為楊鴻兄所攝楊老師追拍晚霞之小視頻而作填詞:蔡宇天遙地遠物無窮,意味不相同。憐山親水,幽心長在,草綠花紅。 人生如旅何能住?間已鬢霜濃。重時惜日,晚年猶健,晴雨從容。 Bilibili 播放:


雨霖寒夜愁人寤,寤人愁夜寒霖雨。鄉遠隔河江,江河隔遠鄉。 酒杯空對岫,岫對空杯酒。琴古共宵深,深宵共古琴。 攝於我家後院 楊鴻攝影 • 蔡宇詩詞 • 音 樂:William Lavigne

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What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.